As you may have noticed, Ray Bear has been in an extended hibernation. Bear Bones Beer will never be the same, and Ray needed some time for rest and contemplation. Not to mention dreams of delicious beer. But Andrew and Charlie snuck some wildlife monitors into his den, and we're happy to report that it looks like he's getting ready to wake up for Spring!
It's too early to announce any details, but we're pretty sure Ray has been dreaming up a way for all of us to get our hands on some of the beer we miss. If things go well, we should have something to announce in late Spring 2024.
Keep an eye on this page for more information. Or, if you'd like to be notified when we know more, click this special link to email us and we'll send you an email when there's more to tell.
Bear Bones Beer is an independent nano-brewery located in downtown Lewiston, Maine with a focus on making high quality, sustainable, craft beer.
Check our current tap list.
The Double C.R.E.A.M. is a big beer inspired by Bourbon. By law the mash from which Bourbon is made must be comprised of at least half corn, and it must be aged on freshly charred oak. These unique qualities help make a subtle yet distinct ale which drinks surprisingly light.
A crisp, light, easy drinking beer designed to showcase hops. Buck’s Season is a session ale rather than an IPA, as the gravity and alcohol content are much lower, and the hopping is more fruity than bitter.
This pale ale technically falls under the smoked ale category, yet is not as harsh as others in the style. The mesquite smoked malt is used to give the beer depth of flavor without making it too complex. This special flavor pale ale is a delicious light bodied alternative to a typical pale ale.
Our own twist on the classic Bohemian pilsner, the Pink Pils is light, refreshing, and shockingly pink. The color is imparted by fresh beet juice, which pairs well with the traditional flavor profile of a true pilsner. This is a great beer to showcase specifically during breast cancer awareness month.
The Johnny Rye is an American Style rye ale. Unlike Roggenbier, this rye ale is lighter in body, color, and clarity than its German counterpart. More like an American brown ale, the Johnny is delicious and easy to drink. The total amount of rye in the brew is much lower, leaving a slightly spicy note at the end of each sip.
An interesting smoked IPA, which grew out of a simple red ale. The New Dead is true to the BJCP guidelines for the American IPA style, yet is neither a West Coast nor a NEIPA. Without being overpowering, this beer allows the smoked malt to meld with the dryhopping to create a unique finish.
This bold and malty beer is a true robust porter. The "RBP" features a powerful malt backbone with Special B, and a strong hop profile which finishes with a fruity flourish from the Mosaic added late in the conditioning.
The Picea is our winter seasonal. This big dry stout features spruce tips in the place of aroma hops. A perfect beer to curl up with next to a warm fireplace, at a hardy seven and a half percent ABV, this dry stout warms you from inside out. The roasted malts combine with the spruce finish to conjure notes of chocolate, mint or licorice.